One of the things that my students like to make fun of me for is my incredible addiction to caffeine free Diet Coke! I literally drink gallons of the stuff, going through about three cases a week.
On my way to school---at about 5:45 in the morning---I stop at a Kwiki Mart to buy a 32 ouncer to start my day. By the time I get to school at 6:10, I need another 12 ounces to top off my cup for the morning haul. That gets me through until the kids arrive at 7:30, when I send my first block "coke sherpa"---a student who knows where my stash is hidden---to get me another can.
By 9:50, I've used two bathroom breaks and finished the equivalent of about 5 cans of Cokey-goodness....Just the right time to grab another soda for the walk to the lunchroom. After lunch, my second block "coke sherpa" grabs me more sustenance on the way back to class. That usually tides me over until 12:45, when I need another can for the walk to the office to check my mailbox.
Pretty amazing huh?
That's why I was especially worried about whether or not Diet Coke was going to be available on my trip to Denmark! I'm really not sure that I could have made it through the week if I got to Copenhagen and found that Diet Cokes were hard to come by. They really have become an important part of my day.
So I was jazzed to find Diet Coke on day 1 in a Danish Kwiki-Mart up the street from my hotel...only they weren't called Diet Cokes. Instead, they were "Coke Lights!" Very cool, huh? Yeah....except they cost about $2.00 each! That'll put a dent in the old souvenir budget, now won't it!
I actually learned a lot about Coke while I was in Denmark. Don't believe me? Then check this out:
So here's an interesting question for you: Do you think I should have put my Diet Coke habits aside for a week and tried out some Danish sodas? Did I actually "cheapen" my trip by not experimenting with new tastes and flavors?
Bam Bam Bigelow
Image retrieved from on July 7, 2007
How important is it to experience as many foreign foods as possible when you're traveling?
Mr. Ferriter
You asked “Is having American products like Coke all over the world a good idea? Why or why not?
Well in my opinion, I think that having American products like Coke all over the world is a good thing because it lets people from around the world see and know a little bit about America. Also it gives the country variety of foods and drinks from America. This kind of reminds me of when we were looking at the crowd in that music video of the band from Denmark because if they do not have a variety of people and cultures you might judge them, just like if you do not have different foods and drinks you might judge them. Question: Do you think that if every country only had things they created or founded that the world would be different in a bad way or a good way?
You also asked “Should I try new food and drinks---or stick to the ones I already know?
I think you should because I personally think it is good to try things from around the world or even things that you just have not tried yet. I think trying things is good because if you tried something from another culture you could get sense of what they are like.
Posted by: Volleyball Rocks!!!! | June 25, 2009 at 11:53 AM
One of the reasons I travel is to try new things. Maybe you could of tried some of the cheaper Danish foods and drinks, and not stayed with the same Diet Coke you always have. It probably would be cheaper than Coke. I know that you love soda, but maybe there’s a different kind of soda in Denmark that we don't have here in the US that could have cheapened how much you spend.
Questions you said to consider - Do you think I should have put my Diet Coke habits aside for a week and tried out some Danish sodas? Did I actually "cheapen" my trip by not experimenting with new tastes and flavors?
Just a week without your Coke you could of lived through. You didn’t cheapen your trip though, but you kept your old habits, even in a new place.
“How important is it to experience as many foreign foods as possible when you're traveling?”
I think it’s really important to experiment with new foods, even when it’s cheaper than you’d pay in your hometown. You can get new tastes AND get it for less. The bottles in Denmark seem bigger though, but they’re very expensive. Like you said, things would be more expensive in Denmark and it did happen. Maybe next time you go you should try new cheaper things?
- B&K
Posted by: Katie + Becca | June 25, 2009 at 09:45 AM
Dear Bam Bam Bigelow,
Also could you tell me where you looked up all this information on coke from world war II. If you could that would be great because i really want to look into that.
The Blooper
Posted by: The Blooper | August 16, 2007 at 01:58 PM
Dear Bam Bam Bigelow,
That video was very funny Mr. F. I don't like diet coke that much, but if you like it then good for you. I still can't believe that you drink so much of it. I think its kind of interesting that you found out about all this. Well gotta go. See you tomorrow.
The Blooper
Posted by: The Blooper | August 16, 2007 at 01:55 PM
mr. bam bam bigelow,
i was wondering how coke is diferent in europe then in th u.s. i was also wondering when the blurb podcasts would start up again. and i have very much enjoyed the blurb and like for more vidios to be added as soon as posible.
hotdog bob.
Posted by: hotdog bob | August 10, 2007 at 08:34 PM
Dear Bam Bam Bigelow,
"Question to Consider"
"Do you think I should have put my Diet Coke habits aside for a week and tried out some Danish sodas? Did I actually "cheapen" my trip by not experimenting with new tastes and flavors?"
Bam Bam Bigelow said.
I am stuck in the middle with this one, but I think it is ok to still drink your favorite soda on a trip to Denmark...while I also think it is fun to learn the tastes of other sodas in other places too. Next time, you go to another place, try to taste the sodas their, you may learn that you like something new, and it's fun!
~Pebbles Flinstone
Posted by: Pebbles Flinstone | July 07, 2007 at 06:19 PM